Thursday, October 11, 2018

A country I´d like to visit !!

Isla de Pascua.

Travel around the world is a dream that I have since I was a child, for a long time, firts of all I want to backpack to the south of Chile and know about my country! But one place call my attention and I can´t ignore It is to visit Isla de Pascua!!

Isla de Pascua is the bigger island of the Chilean south, It´s an amazing place, whit a beautiful nature and they have a fantastic mitology, the people Rapa Nui have a lot of traditions and I love It!!!! that give some mystery!! I would like to stay a long time because I wish learn about they culture, I know It will be hard, but I love It, besides I would like to stay quiet too, for enjoy this amazing experience! and meet all the moais of the island! and see their lifestyles and their particular piont of view of life!!

                                                                                                         (waiting for the end of the semester)


  1. I've had two vacations in Easter Island and is amazing :) The problem is that all is very expensive!

  2. the island of Easter is a very interesting and mystical place to go on vacation


The study programme.

The actually study programme in this faculty had many changes, in fact, in architecture we have a new study program, It started 3 years ago ...