Thursday, October 25, 2018

Paranormal experiences :((

The other uncle:(

All the paranormal is scheming and weird so I try to get away from all that, the spirits, ghost and the activity related to this, a kind of respect to the things that I don´t know... in my personal case I never had a paranormal activity or any meeting with something else... but I heard some stories from my family, related with the country, my paternal family comes from Chillan, so one holiday´s night, my uncle tell us (with my cousin) that once when they was children, they was playing the "policeman" in a hill near from the house (they are 9 brothers), when all was running my aunt Lucy, went to the house  in the way appear one of my uncles in a strange pose, he looks weird, and did signs with the hand calling my aunt, but she did´n go and continue walking to the house, at the door she see so confusing the same brother running very fast, scary she looks behind and the person who was there smile whith a gold tooth, she turned around again thinking that It was a joke but my uncle get inside the house, It´s imposible run that distance in a bling of an eye... and I can tell other stories about stranger things that happened in the country with my family but never to me... thanks to God !!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

My best Holiday ever!!

     My best Holiday ever!

Since I have memory on holidays I travel to the south of Chile whit my parents, my father comes from Llahuen,this place is far from the city of Chillan, in the country all natural, all my paternal family is there and the best season of the year is winter!! I love the winter in the country!! whit my dad trek across the country and mountains for hunt any rabbit, only for food not for fun because we need food, we haven´t many resources, one day we found 6 rabbits in the morning!!!! and rain all the day, so we have a lot of fun in family at house, cooking and playing cards. Next day we go to fish and camp near to the Itata lake, we leave a lot of hooks at night, in the morning they have around 10 fishes!! It was a wonderfull week in the country with my family.

My mother comes from Coronel, and we go for one week after Chillan, the house is near from the port and we go to 4 diferents beach in the area, It was great! but always the best part of all is go to see my grandma, I only see her at holidays so I enjoy it every minute! she have 80 years old, in this holiday she come with us to the beaches and every night we play cards and eat so much! an awesome family holiday!!
Something like this I see when I stay at the window.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A country I´d like to visit !!

Isla de Pascua.

Travel around the world is a dream that I have since I was a child, for a long time, firts of all I want to backpack to the south of Chile and know about my country! But one place call my attention and I can´t ignore It is to visit Isla de Pascua!!

Isla de Pascua is the bigger island of the Chilean south, It´s an amazing place, whit a beautiful nature and they have a fantastic mitology, the people Rapa Nui have a lot of traditions and I love It!!!! that give some mystery!! I would like to stay a long time because I wish learn about they culture, I know It will be hard, but I love It, besides I would like to stay quiet too, for enjoy this amazing experience! and meet all the moais of the island! and see their lifestyles and their particular piont of view of life!!

                                                                                                         (waiting for the end of the semester)

The study programme.

The actually study programme in this faculty had many changes, in fact, in architecture we have a new study program, It started 3 years ago ...