Thursday, November 22, 2018

Future Job...

Future Job

If I had ask me in a few years ago, I don´t had any idea about what career I should study, I don´t known nothing about the future but now I´m studying architecture and I would like to work as an architec, I really enjoy the career, it is so varied and have many diferents fields to work, I know the majority of architects works in a office, but I would like to work with something related to the interactions with the "common" people, outdoor and a little of office. I don´t know yet the kind of job or speciality that I would like to do, but in the last time I had an approach with the work of the municipality and the neighborhood, so as students we can see the participative process to propose, talk and view the necessity of the people and think about the quality of life of them and ourselfs, go to the commune, see the area and have different kinds of situation and challenges.  I would like to travel around the cities of Chile, It will be fantastic! because you see a general panorama of the country and one of the most importat point about our existence and that is how we live. About the salary I don´t know what I can ask, but something aprox 800 is something good for the job although the recently graduate gets less money for that or because they don´t have years of experencie. Now I think that I have too much with this career for prentend course another one, step by step besides study in Chile is very expensive and I´m ina position that we´re not poor but I don´t have a lot of money anyway I think that If I want it, I can do it.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Chile is one of the most affected countries by climate change.

  Climate Change.

In the last time, all the world have had climate changes, is produced for the Global Warming and the greenhouse effect, as we know, is a normal process for aclimate the planet but the actions of the humanity as deforestation, the growth rate of CO2, the industrial activity, forest fire and the damage to the ecosystem, cause a damage in the ozone layer change the natural process of the greenhouse effect so now we see evidently the consequences, every year increase the temperature of each zone of the planet, is more common the acid rain, we can see the smog in Santiago for example, we are a hole of contamination, the weather is so bipolar and very unpredictable, thanks to god that we not had huricans and tornados because the natural disasters are happening more frequent, in winter is more coldest than 10 years and the summer is more hottest at the same time, besides there are no many intermediate seasons, spring and autumn go unseen they don´t have many time, except the spring with the allergys :( and because the winter is so cold, the people burn woods for warm up, making more particulate material to the atmosphere, this changes also we can see at the moment when we buy vegetables, the drought swell every year and the cost of the food too, after all the human actions in Chile and all the world have consequences and our clothing know it!!


              The streets are not ready YET for this...

The study programme.

The actually study programme in this faculty had many changes, in fact, in architecture we have a new study program, It started 3 years ago ...