Thursday, January 3, 2019

The study programme.

The actually study programme in this faculty had many changes, in fact, in architecture we have a new study program, It started 3 years ago and in summary this programme condense all the contents and subjects in less time, for this the workload changes and the lengh too, before the lenght of the career was 6 years and now are 5 years.   One recognizable aspect of the career is the high workload and all the problems that the students suffer, as depression, the lack of sleep or eating desordeers product of all the subjects and the litlle time that we have and the new programme should have helped us in that.    The subjects i have to study are related with 4 main topics:  History, Urbanism, construction, structure and "taller" and this last consumes all our time and life, because all believes that is the most important subject but is not like that.  Every year more students come to the university especialy in the last year because increased the number of enrolments but the spaces in the faculty don´t increase too so about building and infraestructure the faculty stays behind.  The tecnology at the service of the students it´s good but it could be better, according to the same discussion of the increase of the students, the tecnology and tools don´t give enough for all but we have tools and machines in stable conditions.   The teachers in fau, in architecture are not pedagogue, even so the teaching methods are good most of time, this is related directly with the workload, some teachers not considered the real time of the students and the teaching methods are not efficient and affective.    In conclusion this faculty needs a real change thinking about the students, the quality and the good live are possible, the high quality of happy professionals and students make the new future.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Dear Holidays...

I have no doubt that this year was so hard for me in a lot of aspects and for that I think that I´m going to take it easy as posible this summer... only as posible because every holiday we travel to the south of Chile so I stay quiet with piece and I have a lot of movement at the same time but it woth it.

Every holiday we goes with my moom and dad to chillan and concepciĆ³n to visit our parents and in each city we go to other places near the house where we stay, in chillan we goes to the Itata river for example, or in concepcion we goes to a lot of diferents beaches and I think that´s good because we have a lot of memories togheter and we meet something new in every travel.

I don´t know well the activities that I would like to do but I´m absolutely conviced that the best actions or activities are the less planed, something natural and spontaneous, they give the best memories, even so I will to do some activities that I did every year and I love it as go to the beach, play voleyball, swim, go to the mountains and hills and over all that... always being with my family, my holidays are not complete or are not holidays if they´re not present,

I would like to be with my mom and dad as always besides my cat too (he´s name is neko) although I would like to be with my boyfriend too but now he´s working and he don´t have holidays because he have less than 1 year in he´s actually job and  i´m sad (just a bit jajaja), but we traveled togheter the last year and It was awesome.

I strongly believe that I will to increase my weight because my grandma consents me a lot and I can´t deny that but I think that I deserve that, this year was so hard, especially at the university so in conclusion the most important activity that I would like to do is eat and sleep, I can´t wait for this... the wait is eternal !!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018


This theme is very peculiar an it concern all of us, we know Euthanasia as an action or omisision intended to end the life of a patient on the grounds that his or her life is not the same, a person who is already gravely ill, for that reason to mitigates pain a doctor through the administration of drugs or an injection who prodeces death, therefore I believe that this, is a gentle, good and easy death, to bring a peaceful end to the dying process, a way for reasons of mercy… It´s our life and we take our decisions to the end... 

The only major against is the hippocratic oath and the etic of the doctor but is inhumane to keep in constant suffering a person only for etic or the duty to keep alive a patients what in the most of cases they don´t have another chance of live, is the capacity of keep dignity all the moment, treat all the person who they really are, and thinking in the family or persons who care the patient, they are suffering whit them, it´s something related with emotions, life and know discriminate when is possible to keep alive someone and where is the limit, therefore we have to stop thinking about the damage that produces to the medical profesion, we must think aout the persons, about the life.

One aspect to consider is the role of the profesionals in charge, which many times carry a great weight and desicion on his shoulders, classified as murderers but in fact they are only attending the necessity of the patient above all still ensuring the well being of the person above all prejudice more beyond an oath.

After all this, everything and all of us evolve, the needs are different, thus the ways of living change so being in the last momnet of your life with no other options or just only exist pain, you can not follow an old oath even many values about life contain, each profesional and each person must to be able o discern between things, the better than worst or the healthy than harmful, etc., everything has a limit and now it´s the time to make it according to this age, empowering and taking decisions until the end, always thinking about our humanity and this condition over and empty ethics and prestige.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Future Job...

Future Job

If I had ask me in a few years ago, I don´t had any idea about what career I should study, I don´t known nothing about the future but now I´m studying architecture and I would like to work as an architec, I really enjoy the career, it is so varied and have many diferents fields to work, I know the majority of architects works in a office, but I would like to work with something related to the interactions with the "common" people, outdoor and a little of office. I don´t know yet the kind of job or speciality that I would like to do, but in the last time I had an approach with the work of the municipality and the neighborhood, so as students we can see the participative process to propose, talk and view the necessity of the people and think about the quality of life of them and ourselfs, go to the commune, see the area and have different kinds of situation and challenges.  I would like to travel around the cities of Chile, It will be fantastic! because you see a general panorama of the country and one of the most importat point about our existence and that is how we live. About the salary I don´t know what I can ask, but something aprox 800 is something good for the job although the recently graduate gets less money for that or because they don´t have years of experencie. Now I think that I have too much with this career for prentend course another one, step by step besides study in Chile is very expensive and I´m ina position that we´re not poor but I don´t have a lot of money anyway I think that If I want it, I can do it.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Chile is one of the most affected countries by climate change.

  Climate Change.

In the last time, all the world have had climate changes, is produced for the Global Warming and the greenhouse effect, as we know, is a normal process for aclimate the planet but the actions of the humanity as deforestation, the growth rate of CO2, the industrial activity, forest fire and the damage to the ecosystem, cause a damage in the ozone layer change the natural process of the greenhouse effect so now we see evidently the consequences, every year increase the temperature of each zone of the planet, is more common the acid rain, we can see the smog in Santiago for example, we are a hole of contamination, the weather is so bipolar and very unpredictable, thanks to god that we not had huricans and tornados because the natural disasters are happening more frequent, in winter is more coldest than 10 years and the summer is more hottest at the same time, besides there are no many intermediate seasons, spring and autumn go unseen they don´t have many time, except the spring with the allergys :( and because the winter is so cold, the people burn woods for warm up, making more particulate material to the atmosphere, this changes also we can see at the moment when we buy vegetables, the drought swell every year and the cost of the food too, after all the human actions in Chile and all the world have consequences and our clothing know it!!


              The streets are not ready YET for this...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Paranormal experiences :((

The other uncle:(

All the paranormal is scheming and weird so I try to get away from all that, the spirits, ghost and the activity related to this, a kind of respect to the things that I don´t know... in my personal case I never had a paranormal activity or any meeting with something else... but I heard some stories from my family, related with the country, my paternal family comes from Chillan, so one holiday´s night, my uncle tell us (with my cousin) that once when they was children, they was playing the "policeman" in a hill near from the house (they are 9 brothers), when all was running my aunt Lucy, went to the house  in the way appear one of my uncles in a strange pose, he looks weird, and did signs with the hand calling my aunt, but she did´n go and continue walking to the house, at the door she see so confusing the same brother running very fast, scary she looks behind and the person who was there smile whith a gold tooth, she turned around again thinking that It was a joke but my uncle get inside the house, It´s imposible run that distance in a bling of an eye... and I can tell other stories about stranger things that happened in the country with my family but never to me... thanks to God !!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

My best Holiday ever!!

     My best Holiday ever!

Since I have memory on holidays I travel to the south of Chile whit my parents, my father comes from Llahuen,this place is far from the city of Chillan, in the country all natural, all my paternal family is there and the best season of the year is winter!! I love the winter in the country!! whit my dad trek across the country and mountains for hunt any rabbit, only for food not for fun because we need food, we haven´t many resources, one day we found 6 rabbits in the morning!!!! and rain all the day, so we have a lot of fun in family at house, cooking and playing cards. Next day we go to fish and camp near to the Itata lake, we leave a lot of hooks at night, in the morning they have around 10 fishes!! It was a wonderfull week in the country with my family.

My mother comes from Coronel, and we go for one week after Chillan, the house is near from the port and we go to 4 diferents beach in the area, It was great! but always the best part of all is go to see my grandma, I only see her at holidays so I enjoy it every minute! she have 80 years old, in this holiday she come with us to the beaches and every night we play cards and eat so much! an awesome family holiday!!
Something like this I see when I stay at the window.

The study programme.

The actually study programme in this faculty had many changes, in fact, in architecture we have a new study program, It started 3 years ago ...